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What is Starflower Oil?
Borage flower
Starflower Oil is a safe, natural solution to the scaly appearance of skin affected by cradle cap. It is pressed from the seeds of the Starflower plant, also known as Borage (Borago officinalis is the scientific name – hence Borago Baby). It has a pretty blue star-shaped flower that is also edible. Starflower is related to canola, another well-known oil-seed producer.

How does Starflower Oil work?
Starflower Oil is excellent for all scaly skin because it is an emollient – it soothes and softens skin, reducing dryness and scaling. However, it is unique in its ability to relieve scaling skin in babies with cradle cap. This is because it has the highest known natural concentration of GLA (Gamma Linolenic Acid), which according to these scientific studies, is often temporarily reduced in babies with cradle cap. Starflower Oil replenishes the skin's levels of GLA, allowing it to recover its natural lustre.

What is Cradle Cap?
"Cradle Cap" can refer to a range of different skin conditions involving scaly skin in infants. Usually they are characterised by the presence of scaly or flaking skin on the scalp and in the hair, however more serious cases, (such as our daughter's), can cover other parts of the body such as the face. Results of using Starflower Oil may vary depending upon the cause of scaly skin in your baby, however we believe that Starflower Oil will be effective in the majority of cases. [More...]

As a Mum, I know that your baby is the most precious being on this earth, and that you want to know that Starflower Oil is safe to use. Starflower Oil is pressed from the seeds of a plant (Borago officinalis) that has been traditionally used for medicinal and culinary purposes in the Mediterranean for thousands of years. As a natural product, it can vary according to the plants it came from, just like the flavours and colours in different wines or olive oils. We receive a certificate of analysis for each batch of oil that we sell, which you are welcome to have a copy of – just ask.

In order to minimise contamination of our Starflower Oil, we sterilise all our bottles.

Modern analysis techniques have found that Borago officinalis can contain small amounts of potentially harmful alkaloids, however these alkaloids are not soluble in oil and the processing of the oil removes any traces. NO ALKALOIDS have been found in Starflower seed oil.

In my ongoing research into the safety of Starflower Oil the only possible risk I have found was for people with epilepsy taking (eating) the oil. It seems the GLA may lower the threshold for a seizure, so if your baby suffers from or may be at risk of developing epilepsy, please consult your doctor before using Starflower Oil.

Our daughter had no problems with Starflower Oil, and no adverse reactions were observed in the scientific studies, but allergic reactions can be unpredictable and highly individual, so remember:

If any irritation occurs, please STOP using the oil.

As Starflower Oil is an oil, please store it away from any strong heat source. Heat will degrade the oil and could form a potential fire hazard.

If you have any further questions about Starflower Oil please Contact Us.